We are well in to the month of the Holy Rosary and I would like to share some non-liturgical music for a change, Biber’s Rosary Sonatas.
Continue reading “Biber’s Rosary Sonatas”Feast of St Michael the Archangel, Office Hymn
The hymn for Matins and Vespers on the feast of St Michael the Archangel was originally written by Rabanus Maura in the early 9th century. The text was revised in the 1600s and indulgenced by Pope Pius VII in 1817.
Continue reading “Feast of St Michael the Archangel, Office Hymn”Lessons on Prayer from the Holy Rule of St Benedict
The following videos are outstanding reflections on how we can pray without ceasing.
Continue reading “Lessons on Prayer from the Holy Rule of St Benedict”Gregorian Chant: Music of Heaven on Earth
As a boy of 12, I remember our protestant minister commenting on the playing of my friend who was practicing the trumpet. ‘That is heavenly music’ he said with a wide grin. My friend’s satisfaction with the complement was shattered as the elderly man continued ‘it’s of no earthly use!’ What seemed like a remark made in jest, shattered my poor companion – once he had fully realised what it meant, that is.
Continue reading “Gregorian Chant: Music of Heaven on Earth”