The hymn for Matins and Vespers on the feast of St Michael the Archangel was originally written by Rabanus Maura in the early 9th century. The text was revised in the 1600s and indulgenced by Pope Pius VII in 1817.
Continue reading “Feast of St Michael the Archangel, Office Hymn”Monastic Compline- Finem Perfectum
For many years now, even from my Anglican days, I have incorporated the Divine Office into my prayer life. Praying the breviary opens us up to more of the Church’s liturgy and intensifies our affinity with the mind of the Church through the pattern of psalms, canticles and antiphons.
Continue reading “Monastic Compline- Finem Perfectum”St Therese and the restoration of reverence
The last three weeks have been monumental for Scottish Catholics. Thanks to the hard work of Sancta Familia Media and Fr Grant in cooperation with the Bishops of Scotland, the relics of the Little Flower have traveled the length and breadth of the country.
Continue reading “St Therese and the restoration of reverence”Latin Mass resources for children
Here you will find a collection of resources for the use of children at the Traditional Latin Mass, sourced and arranged by Mrs Pearce.
Continue reading “Latin Mass resources for children”Cardinal Burke in Glasgow
It is great to see that New Liturgical Movement picked up on our Pontifical High Mass with Cardinal Burke on Saturday.
I am looking forward to sharing the film of the Mass and to hearing how Schola Una Voce came across in the recording. On the day, they couldn’t have sounded better. The Cardinal was very pleased with the music and took time to speak with the choir and I after the Mass.
Mrs Pearce made a cake for the occasion, in the form of a red biretta!

Music List: XV Sunday after Pentecost 2019
11.30am Missa Cantata- Immaculate Heart Parish Balornock.
Proper- Inclina Domine
Ordinary- Kyrie a3, Lotti & Missa Orbis Factor
Credo I
Offertory Motet- O Jesu Mi Dulcissime, Felice Anerio
Communion- Communion verses (Ps110)
Organ Postlude- Voluntary No 6 in F Major, John Stanley
Bohemian Rhapsody for Organ!
Here is something fun for the weekend- Bohemian Rhapsody performed as part of one of my recitals at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. My new dates will be published soon so stay tuned!
Music List: 7th and 8th September 2019
Immaculate Heart Parish, Balornock
7th September 2019- BVM on Saturday
GL noCR First Saturday
9.30am Missa Cantata
Organ Prelude: Magnificat Duo & Trio, Jean-Francois Dandrieu (b.1682)